Commission an artist

Turn your photos (or ideas) into a 100% custom, handmade painting

We are the #1 community of top-rated artists creating custom art requests for customers all over the world

Truly one-of-a-kind and made just for you by a professional artist

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Custom portrait painting

Make it forever

Turn your favorite memory into a timeless masterpiece

Experience unique

Amaze everyone with a truly one-of-a-kind artifact

Honor someone

Commemorate & cherish someone special forever

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Happiness is made here

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custom drawing & painting commission of a recent grad student and mothercustom drawing & painting commission of a recent grad student and mother

Best personalized gift for any occasion

In a world of mass-produced products, choose something special handmade by a real person, for a real person

How can I find an artist?

You can start a request to get matched with the right artist for you; or browse our directory of artists.

How long does it take to get a custom painting made?

It depends on the complexity of your request and the artist you choose. Some artists can finish within 1 day, and some may up to 30 days.

On average, it takes 14 days from the time you place an order to the time it arrives to your doorstep.

Each artist has a different turnaround time, so be sure to check the artist's profile.

Can I talk to my artist?

Absolutely! After placing an order, you will be connected with the artist once they review & accept your request.

What if I don't like it?

As your painting comes to life, your artist will provide progress updates. It is only shipped once you are 100% satisfied and you approve it.

Although our artists have a 99.8% satisfaction rate, if you are not satisfied, you receive a refund.

How much does a custom painting cost?

It depends on the artist, the size of the painting, and the complexity of the request (i.e. how many people in the painting). The total cost also incorporates the materials used (such as the canvas and paint) and shipping.

See real pricing within 30 seconds by starting a request.

For more info on pricing, see our pricing guide.

What if something happens during shipping?

Our artists package all artwork with extreme care & we take all steps to ensure it arrives perfectly & unharmed during transit.

What about the delivery?

Your artist will provide you with a tracking number so you can track the package.

In addition, the delivery driver will require your signature at delivery to prevent loss or theft.

Does it come ready-to-hang on the wall?

Yes, most of the time, the artist will prepare your artwork on stretched canvas (meaning there is a wooden framework behind it) so it is ready to hang. See example.

Note that this is not the same as having it framed. If you would like it framed, please ask your artist after ordering. See example.

Custom portrait paintings by top artists

Turn your photo into a custom portrait painting

Start an order online, or send your request & photos via email

We're known for the best artists at the most affordable prices.

100% handmade paintings on high-quality material so it lasts forever. We'll turn any photo, or collection of photos, into a stunning portrait painting.

Your art request can be anything, including getting multiple photos combined into one painting.
In addition, you can request modifications from the photos, such as changing a shirt color, removing background items, or adding messages like as "I love you". That's the beauty of personalization!

Simply give us the photos, tell us how you want it, and we'll provide you updates as the custom masterpiece comes to life.

Our artists specialize in all mediums: custom oil paintings, custom acrylic paintings, and custom watercolor paintings.

Our artists also specialize in all types of art: custom impressionist (impressionism) painting, custom realistic (realism) painting, and custom abstract paintings.

Guaranteed to amaze & be cherished forever.